Friday, November 7, 2008

Swim Class

So FINALLY after being stubborn for every week since August, she finally did it. Sophie got up the courage to take off the bubble, and the noodle during swim class. Not so much courage but she didn't have a choice. Her teacher had them swim with their bubbles and noodles to the deep end. They took off their bubbles and noodles. Then they each had to jump into the pool. This is what freaked her out at the end of her summer session. The two boys in her class did it, then it was Sophie's turn. She would not do it. Her teacher sort of helped her jump by holding her hand, even though Sophie didn't want to. She did this twice.
They put their bubble back on and swam to the middle of the pool. They took off their bubbles and noodles and held on to the side. Then they were asked to swim to their teacher without anything. Sophie was holding her teachers hand and didn't want her to let go as she swam, THEN, her teacher gave her a little push into the water and let go...That little stinker swam all the way across the pool. Then...she did it again. I knew she could do it, just needed the confidence and a little push. She was so proud of herself! Yeah Sophie!

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