Sunday, October 26, 2008


Avery is growing like crazy and doing new things everyday! He is walking 90% of the time and is always trying to communicate. He is able to say "Ooooo" when you ask him what a ghost says, say's "woof", MAMAMAMA for more, and alot more. He understands a ton. He fell down, and I asked him where he got hurt. He pointed to his nose. He also tries to brush his teeth like big sister Sophie. When she spits into the sink, he does too! It is too funny and cute. He is a great eater just like his sis, and loves pickles, chicken nuggets, any fruit, peas, pasta, just about anything. He definately has a BIG sweet tooth. If he sees a cupcake or ice cream he starts crying until he gets some.

For the most part they get along, although lately she does NOT want him anywhere near her bedroom. If he gets close, she guards the door with her body and starts shrieking at the top of her lungs. Not fun. Don't think you can reason with her about it either, she is set on him not coming in her room.

Enjoy the video of him playing the kazoo and other instruments.


THE LIETZ'S said...
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THE LIETZ'S said...

Super Super Hilarious!!! I LOVED it! He is like the one man band!! Looks like he gets the frizz ball in the back of his head too like Oliver does! I call it his bed head!

Mom Hatch said...

I agree with Heidi. I watched it 3 times and just laughed and laughed!

The happenings of the Water family.