Thursday, November 20, 2008

Avery now has 11 teeth. A couple days ago I looked and his top 2 molars and 1 bottom molar was poking through. Maybe that's why he has been waking up super early and crying. Or, maybe it's just a stage, who knows. He has been very active and walks everywhere! He is starting to talk and seems to understand a great deal. He calls Sophie "yaya" we think, says, "oooof" when we ask what a doggie says. He tries to say kitty, "ki" and many others.

He also LOVES using utensils at meals. He will get upset if he drops his fork and then he wants whoevers he sees. He loves to stab his food and is pretty good if I don't say so myself.

Sophie is writing like crazy and is starting to read as well. I can't believe how far she has come in the short time she has been in school so far. She is really good at 3 letter words but gets a little frustrated sometimes if she sees a longer one and is tired. Her writing is getting so much better and the letters are now basically all the same size. I even made her write her thank yous after her birthday party. She still has 3 more to go and her party was a month ago but it's the thought that counts.

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The happenings of the Water family.