Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's beginnng to look alot like Christmas...

So it finally snowed here the other day! Sophie was so excited to go out and play in it! To my surprise, Avery loved it too. We went for a sled ride around the neighborhood and he was full of smiles! Now, if I could just figure out how to keep those darned mittens on his hand, we would be all set.

Then two days later, it snowed even more closing school. Any other time, one would think this was great. It just so happened that Sophie's winter party was that day. When Jeremy told her school was closed as she lay in my bed at 8:00 me still half asleep, she started to cry. What a way to wake up...Oh well, she soon got over it as I let her do some of the crafts that were for the party and assured her she could still give her teacher a gift.

Later that day we went sledding at the neighbors next door. They had made a little sledding hill in their backyard and warmed up with some hot cocoa and marshmallows for the kiddos and a little Bailey's for the adults.

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The happenings of the Water family.