Monday, April 27, 2009


Soooo...Sophie has started her soccer season. She loved the casual classes she participated in last fall, so she wanted to play again. This time we signed her up through ROYSA which is the Royal Oak league. She is on a team with 2 other girls and 4 boys. One of which is our neighbor and the other is in her class. The first practice, she was pumped up to go! Had on her cute little pink soccer gear and everything. We get there and she freaks out! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! No playing this week.

Next's colder and rainy. She participates no problem! cream for everyone after. She even mentioned how fun it was!

OK, game day on Saturday. Doesn't want to wear the uniform, says she doesn't want to dress like everyone else, her shin pads itch, we basically had to force her clothes on her...blah, blah, blah.. Bribes don't work, punishment's don't work, what's a parent to do...I hope next game is better! Here are some pics from the lovely practices. No pics yet of her in uniform, I had my hands full!!!! Let's go STINGERS!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Ahh...nice to know we are not the only ones that experience all that drama with the clothes.

The happenings of the Water family.