Thursday, July 10, 2008

The little guy is getting so big. He now eats most any adult food and it is no biggie for him to polish off 3 pancakes, a banana, and a yogurt for breakfast. I don't know what we'll do when he's a teen if this keeps up! He is starting to talk a little too. His words so far are dada, mama, hi, idie(for Heidi, I don't know?), baba, ahhhh, and a few other sounds. He loves to clap and lift his hands up in the air for soooo big. Open mouth kisses are a favorite of his too.

As for the physical aspect, he is moving around like crazy. In the last month, he has started crawling only on all 4's whereas before it was half crawl, half pull. He pulls up to stand with no trouble, goes up stairs, bangs on things, and walks when holding onto something that he can push. He loves the water and splashing in it as well as balls. He gets a kick out of Murphy chasing the ball in the backyard.

It is so fun to watch him interact with his sister as well as learning new skills. I can't believe he is almost 1! Time seems to stand still but on the other hand it flies!

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The happenings of the Water family.